Taglist Vim Download For Mac
The plugin is a pretty cool plugin that lists a php files classes, functions and variables on a side panel. It's one of a handy set of vim plugins that combined make vim look and feel more like a modern day IDE.
Anyway, if I install and enable this drupal-vim plugin on my environment, it breaks taglist plugin. Workarounds The problem is that the taglist plugin does not expect multiple filetypes, such as php.drupal. (Multiple filetypes were introduced in vim 7.0. The taglist plugin was written for vim 6.x and was never updated for vim 7.0.) One workaround is to use the plugin instead of taglist.
(You can also find it on GitHub.) Another option is to patch the taglist plugin. See comment #7 below for instructions. I think that @kostajh was right in #2 above. The taglist plugin was last updated before vim 7.0 came out, so it does not expect multiple filetypes such as php.drupal.
Thanks, that made it much easier for me to debug. My Mac has some other version of ctags installed in /usr/bin, so I compiled Exuberant Ctags, put it in /usr/local/vim, and told taglist to look there. I found instructions on, which looks like a Drupal site to me. Maybe @adamtyoung on d.o?
Please try the attached patch. Unless you have taglist.vim under version control, you should apply this with $ patch -p1. @dkinzer, I hate it when results are not reproducible.:-( Hm, why did I name the patch -9? Even smart people make dumb mistakes.
If you have used both taglist and tagbar and are satisfied with either, then I think it is good enough to recommend that people use the one that works OOTB. Still, some people will already have taglist installed, so it would be nice to get a working patch, even if we have to point people to this issue. If we can do that, then I will edit the issue summary and call it fixed. Would you mind checking manually that the patch worked? (It is a very small patch.) Are you sure that you restarted vim after applying the patch? If it is still not working, it would help if you could do the following::help taglist-debug:TlistDebug:TlistUpdate:TlistUndebug:TlistMessages and then look for a line like 09:59:38: TlistProcessFile (/Users/benji/Sites/dgd7/drupal/sites/all/modules/multicolumn/multicolumn.module, php) Without my patch, I think you should see php.drupal at the end of that line instead of just php.
Maybe you have two copies of taglist.vim on your system. You can see which one is being used with:scriptnames. Better yet,:redir @a:scriptnames:redir END:new:put a /taglist. or to post comments.
About This is my vim configuration of vim for windows, unix and mac. The unix-style does also work on macintosh (at least on Max OS X 10.3).
I am a lot working on different operating system and different environments. Thanks to Bram Moolenar, I have at least my favourite editor on every system. Because I am also sometimes working on the terminal, I customized the vimrc, that it is working on Mac, Linux and Windows, at least on the most common versions of it. I try to support Cygwin as well.
Because I always stumbled arround, getting my vim personalized, I decided to have at least the plugins and all the configuration files packaged. My first customized vimrc is from a version something below 6.2. Since then it is evolving permanently and I am collecting some usefull scripts and plugins. Some are using external programs, maybe not available on all systems, but at least working on windows and debian, e.g. Xmllint to format XML. I try to keep the plugins up to date.
Basically, this configuration provides two modi operandi. One tailored to normal screens, and one tailored to small screens. The first one uses bufexplorer to switch between open buffers and winfileexplorer to navigate. Open this modus with. The other one uses minibufexplorer and command-t (,t) to open files, which I start to prefer over the first one, because its a bit faster. Structure and Installation I am using since April 2013 pathogen and git submodules for installation of plugins and will try to migrate all existing plugins in my installation to this new structure. The easiest way to install is to fork this repo and clone it.
Then initialize the submodules and make some extra steps for some plugins. Please read the installation instructions for the plugins. The structure of this project is very simple.
Taglist Vim Download For Mac Windows 10
On Windows just clone to your home directory in the directory named vimfiles. On all other systems this directory is called.vim. Then copy the files gvimrcbase and vimrcbase to your home directory.
On Windows: copy gvimrc. gvimrc copy vimrc.
vimrc On Mac and Unix: $ cp gvimrc./.gvimrc $ cp vimrc./.vimrc Depending on which system you are, the files and plugins are sourced. If you are using the vim version with gui gvim the file gvimrcbase is loaded. The file vimrcbase will always be loaded. If you are using omnicompletion for vim you need also python installed with jedi (see ): $ pip install jedi To use the tagbar plugin you need to install the exuberant ctags library. To use the plugins installed as git submodules you have to initialize them: $ git submodule init $ git submodule update Plugins Following Plugins am I delivering:.
Syntax highlight for Markdown text files. TextMate-style snippets support. CSS syntax highlighting with support for CSS3. Syntax highlights for full CSS2, most of HTML5 & CSS3 properties (include prefix like -moz-). A color scheme for GUI supposed to be highly readable.
Taglist Vim Download For Mac
Haml and Sass syntax, indenting, and ftplugin. ccf 0.1 This plugin by me formats, converts and compiles with external programs. Omni Completion for JAVA. The asciidoc syntax highlighting and ftdetect-plugins. VOoM (Vim Outliner of Markers) is a plugin for Vim that emulates a two-pane text outliner. HTML5 omnicomplete funtion and syntax for Vim.
Based on the default htmlcomplete.vim. Syntax hightlighting for Stylus. Syntax highlighting for Asciidoc (Changed dark colors to light colors). Univeral Text Linking - Execute URLs, footnotes, open emails, organize ideas. manage your runtimepath.
git wrapper. Run interactive commands inside a Vim buffer. A Filetype plugin for csv files.
Using the python jedi autocompletion library for VIM. An alternative indentation script for python. Jade syntax highlighting. Fast, intuitive mechanism for opening files.
Elegant buffer explorer - takes very little screen space. VIM plugin and command line tool for running JSLint. A syntax checking plugin for Vim that runs files through external syntax checkers and displays any resulting errors to the user. JavaScript bundle for vim, this bundle provides syntax and indent plugins.
Vim plugin that displays tags in a window, ordered by class etc. A tree explorer plugin for vim. Follow wiki links with Enter and Go Back with Shift+Enter. A Vim plugin to colorize all text in the form #rrggbb or #rgb. Changes made to the plugins Changes made to the plugins. Added some syntax definitions to markdown to support github flavored markdown syntax.
Improved utl a bit (see ). Modified winfileexplorer.vim line 685 to call xdg-open instead of start on unix-systems. Functions Call them with:call or the commands. InitBackupDir Creates the folders backup and tmp in $HOME/.vim resp. $HOME vimfiles if they don't exist. RedSpace Highlights unneccessary spaces and tabs.
NoRedSpace Unhighlights unneccessary spaces and tabs. InitSyntax Copies the css syntax files to the right place depending on your operating system on the first startup. FileTime Outputs the Modified date of the current file. CurTime Outputs the current time From ccf.vim:.
CompileSASS or:SASS Compiles scss to css in the same folder. This function depends on the ruby gem.
CompileLESS or:LESS Compiles less to css in the same folder. This function depends on. FormatXML or:FormatXML Formats XML and sets the encoding to UTF-8. This function depends on. SetJavaClasspath To get better code completion you have to set your java classpath. If you got an maven project, this script searches upwards for your pom.xml. If you want to reset the java classpath call it with the argument 1:call SetJavaClasspath(1).
This function sets your classpath depending on your pom.xml. It creates a classpath file.occp (OmniCompletionClassPath) for faster running the next time next to your pom.xml. To rerun this function on next start of vim, just hit. Alternatively you can create your own.occp-File manually. Commands.:Voom templatelanguage e.g. Voom rest or Voom asciidoc Opens the hierarchy view on the right side. Shortcuts.
Ctrl-n Enables the Nerdtree. Ctrl-Space Completion in java code (Hold the ctrl-key down to choose from completion). Reset the classpath from your.occp file next to your pom.xml or generate the.occp. Shift-S Pressing 'S' in the the FileManager opens the current file in the correct app. gu Opens the url under the cursor (see utl.vim).,l Search for the dictionary entry at.,t Search for files using CtrlP Documentation Often I forget some shortcuts.
I write them all down in doc/my.txt and open this file with:h my. Other configurations made. Set the color scheme by default to moria dark.